I am a love of nature girl, when I know the world become so cruel, I do not know how to have protected the original beauty of the world. No nature, no animals, no longer is no longer a planet Earth.
Earth is no longer a planet , then where humans should go ?
I think it's great how the word "vegan" is now a part of mainstream America's vocabulary . But , nowadays , in the pursuit of human food , for instance , steak , grilled chicken and many more . All of this is meat , is come from animals .
At the same times , why don't we eat vegetables , then , vegetables is good for our healthy and we can go green too .
From the scientist said "Meat is the most resource-intensive food on the table and eating less of it can be the single most "green" move a person can make. Producing meat requires huge amounts of water, grain, land, and other inputs including hormones and antibiotics, and leads to pollution of soil, air, and water. A pound of beef requires around 12,000 gallons of water to produce, compared to 60 gallons for a pound of potatoes. Going vegetarian or vegan is a profoundly meaningful environmental choice so if you're a meat eater, try cutting out just one serving of meat each week." Now , do you all feel how serious if you everyday eat meat , but not vegetable...If you choose to eat vegetable , you will live in healthy , and more happy without pain . Then , eat more meat will easily get cancer too...
All of this is cause by humans whose are do not value the earth and making all the small lives suffer like that . After that , humans have humans right , on the other hand , animals also have animal right in this world .
Not because of your selfishness at the expense of innocent lives .
Please value our animals , earth from now on.
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